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Tornado Safety for RVers: What to Do If There’s a Tornado

| Updated May 24, 2024

You can’t always drive away from bad weather. That’s why you need to know tornado safety for RVers. Here’s what to do if you’re in your RV when a tornado hits…

I want to give the biggest tip right off the bat because if you don’t read anything else, you’ll at least have read this. Take every single tornado warning seriously. 

People easily become desensitized when repeated warnings don’t lead to traumatic results. But you have to remember, it only takes one tornado to wipe you out. So, you have to take every single warning seriously.

Not taking it seriously throws away the amazing gift we have of advanced warning. Up until very recently, any warning that preceded obvious visual evidence was rare.

Life-Saving Tips for Tornado Safety for RVers

Now that you’ve hopefully committed to properly reacting to tornado warnings, here is what you need to know. The following are life-saving tips that can keep you and your family safe in the event of not only a tornado but also severe windstorms.

Tornado Safety for RVers: What to Do If There’s a Tornado
Ask in your campground. Photo credit: Mike Wendland

Tip #1: Take Tornado Warnings Seriously

Okay, okay, I know I covered this ad nauseam in the intro. But I just had to note it again real quick for the “scrollers.” If you scrolled past the intro, go back and read it!

Tip #2: Stay Calm

Following my excessive warnings to take warnings seriously, it’s important to then advise you to stay calm. To paraphrase Hunger Games, the “odds are ever in your favor” to not get hit by a tornado. In fact, on average, more people are killed by lightning than tornadoes every year.

Your odds of not being killed by a tornado, however, improve even more if you remain calm. And, the best way to stay calm is to be prepared. So, the following tips prepare you in order for you to stay calm more easily…

Tip #3: Know Where to Go Before You Need to Go

If you are camping in tornado country (and especially in tornado season), talk to your campground director when you arrive. Ask them if there are any nearby shelters or what they recommend in case of a tornado.

If you’re not staying at a campground, check local resources to locate storm shelters. A simple Google search should do the trick, but you can also stop in at tourist, fire, and police departments. At the very least, you can ask some locals at a diner during lunch!

The locals will likely reassure you that you don’t have to worry about tornadoes, but, remember, it only takes one tornado to take you out! 

Growing up in the area, the locals are most at risk of being desensitized to the real danger. So, let their reassurances calm you, but not lead you to take storm warnings for granted.

There are also warning signs of a tornado coming you should be aware of.

Tip #4: Have Old School Technology On-Hand

Yes, your phone sends notifications of weather warnings. Yes, your GPS can show you all of the routes out of town. But neither are reliable in remote locations, let alone in a severe storm. That's why old-school tech is part of tornado safety for RVers.

You should have a weather radio with NOAA scan technology. The National Weather Service continuously broadcasts updated weather warnings and forecasts. You can refer to the 5 Best Survival Radios for Emergencies to purchase one if you don’t have an emergency radio already.

A physical map can also help you navigate away from a storm. You can see which atlases we recommend in the 21 Best Travel Guides for RVers.  But, you should only try to drive away from a building storm, not an actual tornado! 

Once you receive a tornado warning, it’s time for the next tip…

Tornado Safety for RVers: What to Do If There’s a Tornado

Tip #5: Abandon Your RV

Your RV offers very little protection from tornadoes. As gas usage has taught us, they’re basically just big windsails. Not to mention the relatively thin walls and basic glass windows. 

If a tornado is headed your way, abandon your RV to seek shelter. What kind of shelter is best? That brings us to Tip #6…

Tip #6: Seek These Types of Shelters 

Whether or not you’re from Tornado Alley, you likely know that underground shelters are best. If there is one nearby, go for it. But in many cases, an underground shelter will not be available or close enough, especially in campgrounds.

Your next best bet is to hunker down inside or behind a concrete structure. Campground bathrooms are often made of concrete, so that can be a good option. Dumpsters are often surrounded by concrete walls, so pushing the dumpster out and hunkering inside is another option. 

Most deaths and injuries from tornadoes are caused by flying debris. So, your goal is to put a thick barrier between you and debris, whether it’s the ground, concrete walls, or a large boulder.

An interior room without windows, like in the clubhouse, is a viable option as well.

If there are no shelters nearby (which is often the case if you’re driving), then the next best thing falls under Tip #7.

Tip #7: Seek the Lowest Point in the Ground

If you are driving along and suddenly realize a tornado is bearing down on you, pull over, get out of your RV, and seek the lowest point in the ground. The same is true if you’re camping or parked somewhere where no strong shelters are available.

As we mentioned, flying debris presents the biggest danger. So, lying down in a ditch, or even crawling into a large storm pipe, can give you added protection. The idea is for any debris to fly over you, not into you. 

If it’s possible to quickly and easily grab some couch cushions or a mattress from your RV to cover yourself with, all the better. But only do that if it doesn’t cost you much time. Your priority is to get in the ditch!

Tip #8: Beware of Downed Power Lines

Aside from flying debris, another big danger most people don’t consider is downed power lines. If you were in or near a tornado’s path, be alert for power lines that went down in the storm. This is key in practicing tornado safety for RVers!

Give downed power lines a very wide berth! They can skip around. More so, they can still transmit electricity through wet ground. Since rain often accompanies tornadoes, getting anywhere close to a downed power line can get you electrocuted.

More Tips for Tornado Safety for RVers

Though I’ve covered the “biggies” in this article, I always say the more tips the better! If you have any additional tips for tornado safety for RVers, please share them in the comments below. 

And now to take our minds off the scary threats of nature, let’s take a trip through all of the beauty it has to offer…

Mike Wendland

Published on 2024-05-24

Mike Wendland is a multiple Emmy-award-winning Journalist, Podcaster, YouTuber, and Blogger, who has traveled with his wife, Jennifer, all over North America in an RV, sharing adventures and reviewing RV, Camping, Outdoor, Travel and Tech Gear for the past 12 years. They are leading industry experts in RV living and have written 18 travel books.

10 Responses to “Tornado Safety for RVers: What to Do If There’s a Tornado”

May 26, 2024at12:19 am, Marc Tracy said:

Someone recently recommended Ryan Hall Y’All on YouTube for severe weather coverage and it’s been very helpful for dodging tornadoes, etc. In addition to forecasts, he’s done live streams, tracking and sharing tornado paths during the huge severe weather events. It’s pretty comprehensive coverage, maybe a bit more detailed than Fox weather but still, either is useful. Our NOAA radio wasn’t picking up signal recently but YouTube fortunately connected. Safe travels!


May 26, 2024at7:23 am, Diane Glover said:

Yes, he is really good. Even though we are not in Tornado Alley, we have watched his excellent coverage when there are tornado risks.


May 25, 2024at10:35 am, Joyce Castell said:

Recently, our local weather folks are suggesting wearing bike or football helmets to protect your head.


June 15, 2022at5:31 pm, Ronald Vincent said:

I am currently putting a product on the market to increase your chances of surviving a sever weather event in your RV. While it is best to go to a storm shelter or bath house, sometimes that is not an option. Please visit our website at I would be willing to send a unit to you to review and comment on.
We are a small company. I am a retired Fireman and my wife is a retired school teacher. We have invested our personal funds into this project with the hope of saving lives.
Ronald Vincent
KAYRON Enterprises


June 16, 2022at10:16 am, Team RV Lifestyle said:

Hi Ronald – If you would like Mike to consider this for a review, please write to and include some info about what makes your project unique, your background, link, etc. Thanks and happy trails! Team RV Lifestyle


January 09, 2024at1:08 pm, Curtis Petro said:

What a great idea, awesome product good luck with your new venture


May 17, 2022at9:04 am, Joan Zaleski said:

Use your bike helmets for added protection from flying debris!


May 18, 2022at10:40 am, Team RV Lifestyle said:

Good idea, Joan! Team RV Lifestyle


May 16, 2022at11:34 pm, Susan Sandor said:

What do you do with your dog? Last campground with a bad storm and the host knocking on our door at 2am said no pets in storm shelter.


May 18, 2022at10:39 am, Team RV Lifestyle said:

So sorry to read this! That may be a situation with your last campground. Many, we believe, do permit pets in the storm shelter when a tornado is coming. Team RV Lifestyle


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