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10 FUNdamentals of Hiking for Seniors

| Updated Jan 1, 2022

Don't just sit around the campsite! Hiking for seniors is more than doable for everyone. Just follow the 10 FUNdamentals!

Notice we are posting this on the first day of the new year for a reason.

Have you heard of First Day Hikes?

First Day Hikes are part of a nationwide initiative led by America’s State Parks to encourage people to get outdoors. On New Year’s Day, hundreds of free, guided hikes will be organized in all 50 states. Kids and adults all across America will be participating in First Day Hikes, getting their hearts pumping and enjoying the beauty of a state park. Last year nearly 55,000 people rang in the New Year, collectively hiking over 133,000 miles throughout the country!

American Hiking Society

As we visit with those we meet across the country in campgrounds, rallies, and camping meetups, we are amazed at how many RVers – especially older ones – are not hikers. And we think the first day of the year is a good time to start.

Some think it’s too challenging, too strenuous, needing too much specialized equipment, not enjoyable.

Boy, are they wrong.

Unless you have a serious underlying health issue, hiking for seniors is for everyone – no matter your age, experience, fitness level, or gear.

Hiking will so enhance your enjoyment of the RV Lifestyle, nature, the geographic area you are visiting, and your relationship with your camping partner that you will soon be instantly hooked.

So let’s break it down a bit and talk about what you need gear-wise, how to get started, and what advice you should follow.

But make no mistake, hiking is indeed for everyone at every age.

1. What is different about hiking for seniors?

hiking for seniors
Hiking is for everyone.

It’s basically just walking and exploring outdoors. That’s the most simple definition I can come up with.

There’s no set speed you have to go, no distance required to be counted as a hike and you don’t have to dress a certain way.

2. How is the best way to start hiking for seniors?

hiking for seniors

Begin by taking walks. Around the block first. Then several blocks.

Get hiking footwear. You don’t need huge, expensive, and heavy boots.

Today’s hiking boots are as comfortable as shoes. Wear them on your neighborhood walks, around the campground when you are camping.

Then start to venture out on trails.

3. Best Hiking for Seniors Gear

There is some basic gear that will make your hike more enjoyable, like that good pair of hiking boots.

You’ll want a hat to keep the sun from frying your brains (just kidding), a day pack, a water bottle, comfortable clothes, and maybe some hiking poles for extra stability on uneven ground.

A compass is also a good thing to carry with you. Many cell phones have them built-in as apps and that is nice. But there may not be cell coverage in the area you are hiking or your battery may run out of juice.

So get, learn how to use it, and bring a compass along on your hikes.

And if you are hiking in bear country, every person in your hiking party should carry bear spray.

4. How far should you hike?

hiking for seniors
Nature Stroll

If you are a total newbie and in reasonably good shape and can easily handle those neighborhood walkabouts we talked about earlier, a good wilderness hike, to begin with, is two miles out and back.

If the terrain is rough and hilly, maybe even less.

Eventually, a moderate distance for most beginners is around five miles out and back.

Hiking is not speed walking. I like to call it a nature stroll. You want to take your time. Look around. Take a lot of photos. Observe God’s creation in all its glory. Learn things. Breathe deeply. Listen.

Plan on taking two to three hours to cover five miles over flat terrain.

5. Use a Map

hiking for seniors
Use Google to find good hikes near you.

If you are in a wilderness area, you really want to have a map that clearly shows your route.

At most state and national parks, hiking trails are clearly marked in brochures and printed maps available from the ranger station.

There are lots of books available for popular areas listing the different trails. The app is a must-have for finding great hikes in the various locations you visit.

You can even Google something like “best hikes near me” and get lots of suggestions.

But the whole point of a map is to know where you are going and how to get back, plus a general understanding of landmarks, the terrain, and what you will be seeing.

6. Tell someone where you are going

In case of an emergency, you want someone to know where you are going and when you expect to be back. Consider sending a text or an email to a friend or relative.

You can say something like: “Greetings from Yellowstone. Wish you were with us! Jen and I are going to do a hike to Trout Lake in the Lamar Valley. It’s only a little over a mile round trip but it has some beautiful scenery. Just wanted to let you know. We should be back by 4 pm. I’ll send you a photo when we return.”

By the way, if you do visit Yellowstone, Trout Lake really is a great hike. It's only 1.2 miles roundtrip but because you spend the first part climbing, it's officially classified as moderate in difficulty.

There's lots of wildlife attracted by the abundant cutthroat trout that gives the lake its name. So take bear spray…and a camera! Here’s a video we did about this hike

Our Favorite Hiking Spot

Something else to do: Leave a note in the vehicle you used to drive to the trailhead or back in the RV if you set off from camp. Jot down the date and time, where you are going, the route or trail, and when you expect to be back.

7. Carry a day pack

For short hikes, a day pack is all you need.

You should bring a cell phone with you. Naturally, it should be charged. There are inexpensive cases and solar chargers that easily fit in a small pack. And even if cell coverage in the wilderness you are hiking is spotty, the phone is still useful. You can download and store maps on it, use the flashlight and take photos.

That said, we also carry a small, dedicated flashlight in our day pack.

Other items we bring include rain ponchos, a basic first aid kit, a whistle for signaling, a water bottle, insect repellant, and suntan lotion.

For short hikes, you very well may not need all that. But being prepared just in case always makes sense.

8. Know the Weather

hiking in the rain
If you're going to hike in the rain, be prepared.

Before setting out on any hike, be aware of the predicted weather conditions you are likely to encounter.

Excess heat and humidity, predicted storms, flash flood conditions, wind, and wildfire potentials are all factors you need to be aware of and take into consideration as you plan your hike.

If it’s expected to be hot, get an early start. Know what time sunset is and give yourself plenty of time to get back before dark.

9. Stick to the Trail

10 FUNdamentals of Hiking for Seniors 1
Stay on the path.

The leading reason why hikers get lost is that they decided to go off-trail.

So don’t.

Besides easily getting disoriented, hiking off-trail damages the landscape.

Hidden obstacles off-trail can trip you up and falls are the leading cause of injuries to hikers.

Besides, the trails are there for a reason. They are the best route through the area and almost always offer the best views. So stay on them.

10. Leave No Trace

As the signs say, leave nothing but footprints.

But don’t take anything out with you, either – except your trash. And photographs.

Most public lands prohibit picking wildflowers or removing trees and shrubs.

Lately, we’ve seen notices on some of our hikes asking people not to make rock piles.

The idea is to keep public lands as wild and undisturbed as possible.

There’s a Leave No Trace movement that lists a code of conduct that responsible campers and hikers should follow. You can find it at

Where will your next hike be?

Let us know in the comments. Maybe hiking for seniors is the way to go. Do you want to enjoy someplace new?

Mike Wendland

Published on 2022-01-01

Mike Wendland is a multiple Emmy-award-winning Journalist, Podcaster, YouTuber, and Blogger, who has traveled with his wife, Jennifer, all over North America in an RV, sharing adventures and reviewing RV, Camping, Outdoor, Travel and Tech Gear for the past 12 years. They are leading industry experts in RV living and have written 18 travel books.

6 Responses to “10 FUNdamentals of Hiking for Seniors”

February 09, 2024at12:52 pm, X17 said:

I use an app called All Trails. There is a free version as well as a paid version. The paid version has a lot of great features. Such as: notification to let people know where you are, if you get hurt or lost, and more. This app is country wide if not world wide.


February 10, 2024at10:02 am, Team RV Lifestyle said:

Thanks for sharing! Team RV Lifestyle


January 02, 2022at8:37 pm, Bill Snyder said:

I will be hiking with just me and my dog, is this a bad idea?


January 01, 2022at4:02 pm, Lee Eric Painter said:

For navigation, I like to use the Hiking Project. It’s a free cell phone app. You’ll need to download maps for the area you’ll be hiking when you have cell service. It shows the trails around your location and uses the phone’s GPS to show where you are on the map. See


January 01, 2022at1:36 pm, Kevin Madigan said:

Trekking poles! Especially for seniors whose balance is not always the best, and whose knees can often use a little help!


January 01, 2022at2:46 pm, Carl Canning said:

Don’t forget to add the extra benefit using trekking poles is how much benefit you get for arms /shoulders work out if you consciously push off with each step. Especially during a climb up hill. Downhill they can be a real knee saver!! We love our poles at age 63!!


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