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And we’re off: Escape from the snow

| Updated Dec 27, 2013

There was another half inch of snow last night, adding to the considerable accumulation that has piled up outside our Michigan home. We got hit with about six inches last weekend, then an inch or two on the following few nights. But this morning, I didn't care.

We were outta there.

We take turn driving, about 150 miles a shif
Tai likes watching the scenery pass by

By Findlay Ohio headed south on I-75, the snow was gone. There was a little still melting off the roof of the Roadtrek but as far as snow covering the ground, nada. The sun is out. The temperature is climbing and, 160 miles or so into our journey, we feel free.

It's a temporary respite, to be sure. We need to head north in a few weeks and eventually make our way to Duluth, MN and a 200 mile dogsled race that will test our winter camping skills. But now, now we're headed south. For sure to Southwest Georgia and our son's house for our annual post holiday visit. Then, maybe Florida. Maybe not, depending on how we feel.

But we are leaving escape from the snow for a few days.

The Wi-Fi network is up and running, thanks to Verizon's excellent Mi-Fi 4g connectivity. Tai is back on the rear bed, watching the brown landscape go by. I'm blogging, Jennifer is driving and as soon as I finish this post, I think I'll go keep Tai company for an early afternoon nap.

My Verizon 4g Mi-Fi card gives me fast Internet access and lets me work from anywhere

We have no idea where we'll stay tonight. Maybe a parking lot at a Walmart or Cracker Barrel someplace. Maybe,  a campground, if we find one still open this time of year down Tennessee way.

We take turn driving and stop when we feel like it. We've worked out a good driving rhythm. About 150 miles a shift. When we swicth, we walk around a bit.

We just ate leftover Christmas Eve turkey sandwiches for lunch. I promised Jennifer a restaurant meal for dinner tonight.

Why do we like driving this thing so much?

Freedom? The adventure of not knowing what we will find down the road that might make a story? The coziness of this little touring coach? Togetherness? Probably all of the above. But enjoy it we do, especially when we can escape the cold and snow.

A car just passed us. The people in it read the little sign we have on the back of the Roadtrek inviting people to follow our adventure on the blog. They honked their horn and gave us smiling thumbs u as they drive past.

There are a lot of RVs on the road. We're mostly seeing big Fifth Wheels today and a few Type A motorhomes. Snow birds, probably, folks going to Florida to park and sit till spring. Folks who celebrated Christmas with loved ones back home and are now rushing to the warmth.

Oh oh. A flashing sign on the side of the interstate near exit 102 says that there is construction ahead and to expect long delays in only one lane for 10 miles.

Sure enough, by exit 99, traffic has come to a dead stop.

And that's where we are. “Aren't you glad you're not driving?” asks Jennifer.

I am. I don't do well in stop and go traffic.

But today, I'm pretty mellow. We're leaving the cold and snow behind.

We can take stop and go for a while, especially if Jennifer is driving.

Think I'll go back and take a nap now.

UPDATE: That traffic jam on I-75 was a doozy. It took two hours to go about 12 miles.

Mike Wendland

Published on 2013-12-27

Mike Wendland is a multiple Emmy-award-winning Journalist, Podcaster, YouTuber, and Blogger, who has traveled with his wife, Jennifer, all over North America in an RV, sharing adventures and reviewing RV, Camping, Outdoor, Travel and Tech Gear for the past 12 years. They are leading industry experts in RV living and have written 18 travel books.

11 Responses to “And we’re off: Escape from the snow”

October 06, 2014at7:20 am, Armande Saint-Jean said:

Hi there! I enjoy your blog very much, read it almost daily! Now, would you tell me what kind of tires you use in the wintertime on your Roadtreck? Winter tires? Four-season? Regular (summer)? Using winter tires in warm temperature is not recommended, yet driving around with regular tires (or evey four-seasons) in snow-covered or icy roads up north, in winter time, is risky! So how do you solve that dilemma?
Thanks for your answer! Keep up the good work — it’s most enjoyable to keep in touch with you!

December 31, 2013at5:05 pm, Joseph and Virginia Farrug said:

Hi mike and Jennifer , glad to hear you are in a warmer area, it is frigid here, our dog Sunny loves to travel too ,Joseph and Virginia

December 31, 2013at10:35 am, Art said:

Mike I am from Michigan and watched you for a long time. I really liked your tec pieces and got a lot of good info from them.

December 31, 2013at10:24 am, Art said:

Mika and Jennifer my wife and I are full timers and we live in Tennessee. If you are ever around Crossville Tn there is a wonderful rv park called Deer Run RV Park off of interstate 40. The owners are great people and have a very clean park.

December 30, 2013at8:03 pm, Jim Temple said:

I am jealous. I wish I could just up and leave this snow we are getting in the Pittsburgh area this winter. Maybe someday. You make it sound so nice Mike. Happy New Year and enjoy your time with family.

December 28, 2013at8:09 am, Ted said:

You convinced me. I am going to switch to Verizon after my AT&T contract expires. I like the idea of that MIFI system you use and how you can blog from all over the country. Keep it coming, Mike and Jennifer!

December 27, 2013at11:33 pm, Leo Lalancette said:

Well well well escaping your beautiful country where evrything is different from another. I like to travel in the summer where there are no changes from back home but winter is special for me and time to enjoy that wonderful season. Lots of winter sports to be done you don’t have that in the summer CANADA is a special country.

December 27, 2013at4:03 pm, Andrea Quinn said:

Mike and Jennifer – I am so jealous … one day I’ll be out there with you guys! Safe travels (albeit a little slow there for a while) and Happy New Year!

December 27, 2013at3:46 pm, Judi Darin said:

Happy trails! Enjoy the warmth!

December 27, 2013at2:04 pm, Maureen said:

Tai looks ever so comfortable. We are enjoying mild temps in the Pacific Northwest and the daffs are poking through. But today’s rain is enough to make me want to join you on the trek south. Have a great trip!

December 27, 2013at2:03 pm, Karsten Askeland said:

Mike & Jennifer … enjoy your brief respite in the warmer southern weather. Wish I could have gone further south this year but circumstances did work out that way. I’ll enjoy several winter camping trips in Northern Ontario and in the Michigan area as well.

It’s all good as long as I’m in my Class B. 🙂

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