Here's a question from a reader named Ed: “Was wondering is there a CB channel for RVers when they are traveling?
Well, good Buddy, the answer is yes.
But hardly anyone ever uses it.
That's because hardly anyone is on CB Radio anymore. It's sure not like it was back in the 1970s and 1980s when CB Radio was the social media of its days. It was a huge craze, with movies, songs and it's own special lingo, borrowed from the truckers (18 wheelers) who were the first big user base for CB.
Back then, as RVing was starting to take off, too, CB Radio Channel 13 was designated as the unofficial RV’ers channel.
And it still technically is.
It's just that few RVers have CB today and those few still “with their ears on” tend to use Channel 19 with the truckers for road and traffic information.
Over the years, I've often toyed around with the idea of getting a CB Radio for our RV. I occasionally still see CB Radio shops as we fuel up at truck stops.
But then I look at my dash. I use Apple Car Play and run the Waze app for my navigation system. It providers everything CB Radio used to do, like notifications of speed tracks (Smokey Bear), traffic jams (parking lot), or road conditions (clean and green or brake check).
Waze shows all that and more on a map is accurate to within yards, and speaks calmly and clearly, with no squawks, squeals, and hard-to-decipher language.
But I do kind of miss CB Radio. Maybe I'll stop in at one of those CB shops someday. I'll let y'all know on the flip side.
Till then, keep those RV's rubber side down!
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6 Responses to “Is there a CB Channel for RVers?”
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March 04, 2021at11:10 am, Mark B. said:
Is there a specific FRS (family radio service) channel for RVers to use? FRS radios are so popular now. They are the new age vastly improved walkie talkies used by families for recreation purposes. It would be great at campgrounds to talk with other campers about activities or other happenings going on around them. It would also be great if RV parks or campground offices would use them so campers could contact them easily.
August 15, 2020at8:57 am, Rickman said:
Always carry a powerful hand held CB .never turn it on unless we need to,
Got tired of the trucker’s swareing at us rver’s.
July 06, 2020at7:26 am, Dyane said:
Have always had a CB in my RV …and a handheld in my car. It’s been really helpful with sudden traffic occurrences and routings. And the weather channel on it is also invaluable.
July 06, 2020at6:58 am, John Gundersen said:
In September of last year we took a three week RV trip from Minnesota to Gulf Shores Alabama. We encountered two major traffic jams (over an hour wait for each) early in the trip. In both cases we were on interstates and literally surrounded by 18 wheelers. After these experiences I purchased a portable CB radio capable of scanning all 40 channels. I kept it in a drink holder in the cab, an area where it could receive nearby radio transmissions easily. I monitored it for the rest of our journey, over 2000 miles of major highways and interstates. I saw CB antennas on about 1/3 of the 18 wheelers we encountered. NO ONE WAS HEARD TALKING ON THE CB RADIO! Not even in congested traffic areas. My brother in law owns a trucking company that travels up to 10,000 miles a day in 10 states. He said that about 1/3 of his trucks have CBs and very few of his drivers use them. He said they communicate by cellphone instead. Apparently they would rather talk privately to friends and family rather than searching for “good buddies” along the roadways. Too bad! CBs could be a valuable RV traveling tool if more RVers used them, even if the truckers are gone. I’m going to keep listening to Channel 13 in my travels! How about you?
July 02, 2020at8:28 pm, P Rose said:
CB works where there is no cell service.
July 02, 2020at9:17 am, Kevin Bollinger said:
I like my Rubber Side Down