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My advice: Go home. Stay Put. Hunker down

| Updated Mar 19, 2020

This is hard to write. But I must.

I believe the RV Lifestyle has to be put on hold.

I've been spending a lot of time in journalist-mode on the coronavirus crisis this week and I feel I have to say that all the indications I am seeing point to continued and increasing travel restrictions for at least the next month or so. Probably even longer.

Rest areas along major interstates are being shut down to all but truckers.

Beaches up and down Florida are closed and spring breakers urged to leave.

In the Outer Banks of North Carolina they are actually planning checkpoints and refusing entry to some popular areas to visitors. Visitors are being told to home home in other parts of the country because they are overloading services. State park campgrounds, access to federal land, all travel, everywhere, is being discouraged.

There are many more examples. My point is… if you don't have to go somewhere, my sincere and heartfelt recommendation to you is to stay put or go back home.

There is a growing resentment starting to creep in towards outsiders, tourists and visitors in some communities.

If this crisis continues, I am convinced this will only get worse and RVers will be seen as health risks who are bringing in the virus and unnecessarily stressing an already overstressed food supply, as evidenced by the empty supermarket shelves in so many communities.

We're openly seeing that down here in Florida at our condo as our local government considers a beach closure.

Everything in me says this is not the best time for us to be off RVing and exploring. 

Jennifer and I may cut our time here short and return to Michigan because of it.

I hope I am wrong. But I don't think I am and until this settles down – which it WILL – I urge you to think about postponing your travels over the next month or so. Then reevaluate. That is the smart thing to do. 

Fulltimers, of course, have their own challenges but for them, I would urge them to find a safe place where they can get needed supplies and services and stay put and hunker down.

There's lots of uncertainty on that bumpy road ahead.

Be safe, Fellow Travelers. Hunker down.


Mike Wendland

Published on 2020-03-19

Mike Wendland is a multiple Emmy-award-winning Journalist, Podcaster, YouTuber, and Blogger, who has traveled with his wife, Jennifer, all over North America in an RV, sharing adventures and reviewing RV, Camping, Outdoor, Travel and Tech Gear for the past 12 years. They are leading industry experts in RV living and have written 18 travel books.

8 Responses to “My advice: Go home. Stay Put. Hunker down”

March 23, 2020at11:39 pm, Judy said:

I found two resources for stranded RVers:

There is a Facebook group: Displaced Nomads and Full-Time RVers Relocation Resource

And a new resource for finding free parking around the country (I hope this link works):

March 23, 2020at4:16 pm, Pati said:

I just read an announcement by the Illinois Dept of Transportation which said the rest stops in the State of Illinois will remain open including the restrooms which will be cleaned frequently. I hope this helps anyone traveling north and I hope this remains true while some folks travel to their home base.

March 23, 2020at12:24 pm, John Sherman said:

This website seems to be the most current at keeping score on Covid-19 in Michigan as well as listing the governor’s orders.

We’re over 1200 cases and 12 deaths.

March 23, 2020at7:57 am, David Bates said:

We are currently in Florida but have plans to return to Michigan on or around April 5th. My concern is that we get stranded on the road unable to cross state lines of enter rest stops. Any advice?

March 19, 2020at10:48 pm, PAMELA said:

Hello Mike,

My husband and I find ourselves in a situation that we really do not know what to do about. We own a 5th wheel and are in the middle of moving (by way of storing everything and temporarily living in our rig) from AZ to ME. We are supposed to leave next week (March 27th) we have no lease, our stuff is half in storage. I work 100% remotely and am the only 1 employed, as my husband was going to start a career in Real Estate on the east coast. I am terrified if we try to leave the same time frame as planned we will get stranded. But we don’t have a home. What do you think we should do? Up our leave date and beat feet asap? Thank you for your feedback.

Steve and Pam from AZ

March 19, 2020at1:22 pm, Bob Meyer said:

Mike – Our friends just bought a 2020 Leisure Travel Van Unity and have problems with the electronics including the thermostat control system. They bought it from a distant dealer so can’t easily get service. They have been offered a software update but are nervous about installing it themselves. Have you done this, or do you have advice for them? Thanks

March 19, 2020at1:16 pm, Bob Meyer said:

Mike – I think you’re right – we don’t want to be responsible for carrying the virus around the country.
Also – it would be impossible to isolate myself from my wife when sick in an RV, and two sick simultaneously inside that tiny space would be awful. Stay home, wash hands, towels and surfaces constantly, and absolutely minimize contact with others. Use the time to read, learn and write. -Bob Meyer, Fort Collins CO

March 19, 2020at12:19 pm, Douglas said:

Great input… We are full timers and luckily we are back in our home town close to our doctors, family and friends… Honkering down in a rv park 2 miles from our rented house. No plans to leave until the end of this pandemic… Good luck to all. Be safe be smart and be kind.

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