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Blackberries Along the Pacific Coast Highway

| Updated Aug 5, 2016

berry3If you spend much time along the Pacific Coast Highway (and we do) you are sure to notice the profusion of blackberries growing along the roadside. By the time we get out here in April they're already blooming -white, five-petaled flowers with just a hint of pink – and as the season progresses they set fruit which changes from green to red to black as they ripen. We started to see ripe berries a few weeks ago, in early July up here in southern Oregon, and now they're all over the place. I picked a pint without much trouble in less than half an hour, and enjoyed a real treat. All you do is wash them, add a little sugar, and eat until you're stuffed. If I were ambitious I could make a cobbler or pie.

These blackberries have taken over the entire west coast, all the way inland to the Sierras and Cascades.

This species of blackberry, Rubus armeniacus, is an introduced species. The native blackberries in this area were slow growers and relatively poor yielders, and have been almost totally displaced by the so-called Himalayan blackberry. They're native to western Europe, but some plant marketer thought Himalayan sounded better, so that's what they're called. They love sunny spots, can get by on 30 inches of rain a year, and are almost impossible to eradicate once established. They have underground tubers called root crowns and the long, prickly canes that emerge from these root crowns will root at their tips. Although the seeds are dispersed widely by birds and animals eating the berries, their main method of propagation is vegetative.

You'll see blossoms, green berries, red berries, and ripe berries all on the same plant. It's a long harvest season.

Along the coastal highway, you'll see small clumps, but inland these blackberries form impenetrable thickets, which are going to stay and grow until someone goes to the trouble of clearing the land and going back for the next few years to kill all the emerging canes sprouting from the remaining root crowns. It's like bamboo – you really can't get rid of it easily.  Criminals have figured out that the best way to dispose of a weapon you don't want law enforcement to find is to chuck it into one of these thickets. Even goats, the most effective form of weed control,  have a hard time clearing these areas.

These are right out my door as I write this.

Since I'm not a local landowner, though, I don't have any of these problems. I just like to pick the berries as I boondock along the highway, which is easy enough to do. It's a nice reminder of the progression of the seasons as we watch them bloom and ripen. When the berries are almost gone, we know it's time to head south – another summer has gotten away from us. But they'll be back next year, whether you're happy about it or not.

RV Lifestyle

Published on 2016-08-05

2 Responses to “Blackberries Along the Pacific Coast Highway”

August 06, 2016at11:01 pm, Bob Dawson said:

Campskunk:;So enjoy your blog,really envy you staying on the coast so long.Wife and i took a road trip in 2014.Spent a week going down the Oregon coast ,hard to leave.Happy and safe travels,look forward to your postings.Bob in Md

August 05, 2016at9:27 am, Deb Pearson Barrett said:

We just returned from the Oregon Coast. A few miles north of Rockaway Beach, we pulled over to indulge in the Roadside bounty. I picked about a pint in just a few minutes, placed the on a plastic bag and took a quick photo before putting them in our cooler. At our next stop, I discovered one got away and stayed on my car seat which I had been sitting get on for 20 minutes or so.
Embarrassed purple butt for the rest of the day!

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