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How We Roll in our RV – Taking a shower

| Updated Sep 9, 2013

shower1In this edition of How We Roll in our RV, reader Jacob Matthews from Leesburg, GA asks us how we manage to shower in our 23-foot Class B Roadtrek eTrek motorhome (actually 22'9″).

So… we show him.

Sort of.

But people are often surprised that our RV has not one, but two showers.showr2

There's a lot more room than you may think…until you see how well space is used.

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Mike Wendland

Published on 2013-09-09

Mike Wendland is a multiple Emmy-award-winning Journalist, Podcaster, YouTuber, and Blogger, who has traveled with his wife, Jennifer, all over North America in an RV, sharing adventures and reviewing RV, Camping, Outdoor, Travel and Tech Gear for the past 12 years. They are leading industry experts in RV living and have written 18 travel books.

12 Responses to “How We Roll in our RV – Taking a shower”

September 01, 2014at1:11 am, Lynn Templeton said:

mmmmmmmmmm sry use our shower every day that’s why we have it looks like u shower with your clothes on lol

September 01, 2014at1:14 am, Lynn Templeton said:

use the toilet also they r there for a reason is really very easy and simple to use we live in ours for 5 weeks so is no problem

August 31, 2014at9:15 pm, Eileen Patzwall Howe said:

Glad to hear your side, Twyla.

August 31, 2014at7:55 pm, Twyla Peace said:

We use our shower. It’s really less trouble than it looks.

August 31, 2014at7:02 pm, Marion Arbo Abajian said:

We have never once used our indoor shower in the SS Agile. I’m just not that into prepping and drying things out, etc. In fact I can barely use the toilet, much less the shower! Just think folks, people a hundred years ago did very well with bathing using a basin, a sponge bath we could say. Works great with about half a gallon of water or less! We have actually managed to use the outdoor shower a few times when camped in remote areas — a very liberating experience!

August 31, 2014at6:45 pm, Bev Laing said:

Well, that’s all well and good, but you did not mention the preparation of the bathroom in order to take a shower, ie. having to put bathroom “stuff” away, where to put your clothes before and after, where to dry off and etc. If I were alone it would be a little easier, but with 1-3 others in the rig you would have to kick everyone outside unless you don’t mind baring all! I think this was the biggest reason for my not choosing a Road Trek or Pleasureway…. I picked a 23 1/2 ft Phoenix Cruiser as it has a full dry bath. You two can evidently handle a wet bath easier than I. And no I do not use campground showers….that’s a whole other story!! LOL. I do follow your wanderings and love your how-to’s and what-for’s. Thanks!!

July 21, 2014at2:08 pm, Renzo Asparria said:

Stefanie Ishii

September 16, 2013at4:22 pm, David said:

We have had a 2013 RS about a year now. We’ve added a three soap (conditioner, shampoo and body wash) dispenser. We’ve learned when you first turn on the water a bit is wasted down the sink trying to get temp right and pressure enough to pull the sink diverter to get water to the showerhead. So set the sink plug in nice and tight, put some soap on a poof and lay in in the sink. After getting wet, you shut off the shower and use all the soapy water in the sink to lather. We’re not too frugal with water, but its so efficient you can allow the rinse to be a little longer.

September 16, 2013at12:36 pm, Janet Arnold said:

You know what amazes me? My floor outside the shower doesn’t get wet. Not at all.

September 10, 2013at11:47 am, Pam Hicks said:

I see the pup is loving it! 🙂

Nice article – thanks.

September 09, 2013at12:26 pm, Mike Wendland said:

5 gallons? Wow. We shower Navy-style. Wet down quick. Turn water off. Lather up. Turn water on, quickly rinse. Dry. Maybe 1.5 gallons used. Unless we’re hooked up to water in a commercial campground or state park. Then, we linger, use maybe three gallons. And we shower every day.

September 09, 2013at12:09 pm, Campskunk said:

as fulltimers in a Chevy with 25 gallons water capacity, our shower drill is to find a place where we can fill up and dump, where we both take long hot showers, fill up and dump again, and then we’re ready to hit the road for a few more days all clean and with full freh water tanks. we can usually take a shower with about five gallons, so we get one shower apiece out in the boonies before we head back in for more water.

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