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September 21, 2021at5:37 pm, HL said:
Hey Mike, thanks for all the wonderful flowing information, wow POD Cast, Newsletter, YouYube’ers, Interactive Map, and a wonderful colorful packing list. Love it all, you are both sweet to do all of this for folks YOUNG and OLD getting into the world of “Recreational Vehicles” (RV). Have watched many of your YOUTUBE Video Clips and so far you are BOTH right on the money, with all your tips, suggestions, up-to-date stuff. I’ve been RV’ing since 1957 and way before a lot of this stuff you talk about was getting popular, as it is today. But the Kiddos, just don’t know and I find myself helping other newbies from time to time. I have directed two younger travelers to your sites as your information is first-rate and no joking around on that. Thanks for sharing your love of RV’ing as I see so many who just don’t know and are lost. But a little tip here and there and in a while they’re experts with a YOUTUBE show like your own. But as for me, I like it real from the right source and that is you two “RV LIFESTYLE” is tops, So watch and be careful as you might learn a thing or two folks. So take a chair, relaxed, and enjoy. Mike and his life partner Jennifer, I do seem to recall you as a newsman, back in the day from somewhere? As for me, I once did a lot of traveling curiosity of uncle sam. Stay well and be safe and maybe we will pitch tents next door or something one day. Today a bit slower, but still love to RV. Be safe
September 08, 2021at7:41 am, Rosalie Wisely said:
I am the widow of a WWII veteran. I own a 2021 Jayco Sprint and would like to know if i qualify to camp on one of the military sites.
July 26, 2021at7:17 am, Ken Rogman said:
My wife and I (retired) have tent camped. Upgraded to a slide in camper for a few years. Have motel it for a few years, and in April purchased a used 2004 Roadtrek 190 Popular. We are looking forward to spending time in the mountains with our grandson.(7) until he goes back to school, then my wife and I are ready to go exploring longer trips, some places we have been before and also the new places that we can now stop and see with a camper.
July 19, 2021at3:30 pm, Thomas said:
My friends are moving to nevada and plan on living in their 5th wheel. Can the air conditioner take the heat 24/7. Will the dogs survive the heat. Just concerned for their safety?
July 25, 2021at4:42 pm, Andrew said:
No. The dogs will not survive. Take those dogs away from their irresponsible owners.
July 10, 2021at11:23 am, Barbara Tomasetti said:
Hello Mike and Jennifer. I follow you on Facebook, and saw a podcast Jennifer did on the bedding you use. I thought I had saved it, but can’t find it. Could you please send the name of the one piece bedding. Thank you
March 01, 2021at9:10 am, Bill said:
January 27, 2021at2:31 pm, Ole Fadum said:
I have a Roadtrek 2002 Versatile. I am having problems with window behind drivers seat and need to replace the torque operator. It looks like it is bolted in, not screwed in. Also do I need to replace the whole unit. Where can I buy a new CR Lawrence window or replacement? Does anyone know of a good window repair/installer in the Denver, CO area?
January 20, 2021at2:18 pm, John Gross said:
I want to thank both of you and your staff. You have hit the Nail-On-The-Head with your input on what is expected by the American Rv’er for a good product from our RV Industry. This is not rocket science but a true drive to bring our RV Industry closer to giving us Quality, which fits our evolving industry and good use required to brings Good Things to Life on our Rv front. Your 10 points are right on with Quality and less failures of rigs in the first year of ownership throughout our industry.
Best Regards
September 22, 2020at6:24 pm, Hod said:
Your wonder van has auto levelers…. i have a wonder van on order… that wasn’t an option??
August 15, 2020at10:59 am, Jill said:
We just ordered Alliance’s Paradigm 370fb 5th wheel. Based on some comments above, I’m wondering if the length differences betw a van & a 40’ rv will make a difference in some of your RV’g tips & site recommendations. Your thoughts?
November 30, 2018at12:53 pm, Chuck said:
What are the ramifications regarding Mercedes dropping Roadtrek from their approved Master Upfitters?
November 23, 2016at7:32 pm, Mike Loomis said:
Hi Mike,
I am new and would like to post some items from my 210 Popular. Where do I go to list the items I want to sell.
October 06, 2016at6:32 pm, msg51 said:
hen I signed on it said you had a list of free overnight place to camp, but I can’t find the list. Does it exist or am i just lost.
January 02, 2017at7:00 pm, m small said:
Most WalMart, Cabellas and Cracker Barrels let RVs park for overnight.
We have gone “Boon-docking” using these sites many times and haven’t had any trouble.
March 16, 2021at11:57 am, KimC said:
msg51; They’re referring to the HarvestHost program. Pay $79 annually and you can camp for FREE at over 2,000 farms, wineries, beweries, attractions- the only ASK, is that you patronize their businesses. Must be fully self-contained. Everything from Alpaca farms, Ostrich Farms, wineries, breweries and distilleries (and tastings!)… great way to support the economy.
February 25, 2016at12:32 pm, dearborn mom said:
I remember Mike when he was a newscaster here in Detroit. We are facing retirement and are interested in RV travel. This summer, we are renting a class C vehicle to make sure this is what we want to do before investing in one. About 15 years ago, we took an extensive RV trip out west with our family and loved it! We are looking forward to getting lots of ideas and tips through this site. Thanks, Mike!!
February 19, 2016at5:27 pm, Sherrie Lilly said:
Hi! We have had our used Class B for 2 years. Our Roadtrek has the center isle shower. The shower pan is the complete center isle up to the back of the front seats. Has anyone come up with a way to contain the shower water in a smaller footprint?
January 02, 2017at7:12 pm, m small said:
We roll up a towel right past the shower trough and then use it to dry the whole area afterwards.
I’d like to hear more suggestions!
January 15, 2016at4:54 am, MichaelB said:
Hello. I’m glad to be onboard on this site and facebook. We have been searching for a class B RV for sometime now and have decided (when the time comes) to go with a Roadtrek (not sure which model, so many good choices). Anyway we enjoy traveling and will enjoy RVing as well, and connecting with people.
January 07, 2016at3:09 pm, Julie said:
My husband and I are new to rv-ing. We bought a roadtrek e-trek last fall. We live in the wintry Midwest. We’d like to go some place warm in February. My question is; do you de- winterize some where below the frost line and then do the reverse on the way home? Thanks for the advice.
January 07, 2016at3:29 pm, Mike Wendland said:
yup, that’s just what we do.
January 02, 2017at7:05 pm, m small said:
We have the RoadTrek 190 with 2 separate water tanks so just use ceramic heaters until we are ready to head South. Then hopefully not head back home until Spring!
May 03, 2021at9:13 pm, Georgina Gasti said:
We have been traveling by RV since the seventies and have taken our kids and then grandkids to all 50 states before the advent of the Internet, etc…and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Recently we discovered your videos and are enjoying them so very much.
Thank you for allowing us to re- live some of our travels and discover new places along the way.
Great job!!
Georgina snd Manny
December 27, 2015at12:38 pm, Jurinne said:
I’m planning on RVing full time in about a year, with a border collie and two cats. Right now I’m researching to find out what I need. I’m looking forward to the newsletter and I’m very excited about starting my new life.
December 14, 2015at12:14 pm, Charles Metzker said:
Hi Roadtrekkers. I have a 2006 190 Versatile van and am looking for the two foldup bed platforms for the driver and passenger sides. These are the ones used when the two front seats swivel around to face the back seats. I want to get the ones specifically made for the Roadtrek due to their unique shape. I find them quite expensive if ordered new and wondered if anyone has any other sources. My email is :
January 02, 2017at7:08 pm, m small said:
Our 2004 Versatile just has two hinged flip ups from the passenger seat lower drawers. Pretty easy to measure & make your own. Good luck!
July 07, 2021at11:01 am, Jeanne and Steve said:
our trek 06 swivels front chairs to face the side
rear seat back mounts atop the open storage drawer , with mounting flap in up position.
any pad on top of this works
November 30, 2015at7:53 pm, Terry Stonebarger said:
I am seriously looking forward to getting the newsletter every Monday. I am ready for spring already!!!